Heavy rains and subtle winds, a sound, light and movement installation by Jana Schumacher, shown in the x-pon art gallery in Hamburg, Germany, 2017

Heavy rain, an international weather symbol, embossed in handmade paper
60 mal 60cm, 2017

Lightening box, a sound and light piece, 80 mal 80 cm, stroboskobes, connected to a soundscape of rolling thunder, 2017

Stonespeaker, detail of the soundinstallation, transporting a soundscape of rising and fading thunder, 2017

Thunderstorm during past hour with slight rain at the hour of observation, an international weather symbol, embossed in handmade paper, 60 mal 60 cm, 2017

Calm winds, an international weather symbol, 60 mal 60 cm, embossed in handmade paper, 2017

Heavy rain and subtle winds, installationview, Hamburg, 2017